Monday 20 April 2009

The Lipstick Indicator: Mary Kay Performs Despite Recession

Moderately Priced Skin Care, Cosmetics Find Their Niche; Company Generates Billions in Sales

As thousands of women descended upon the Dallas Convention Center, the atmosphere was part mega church gathering, cheerleader reunion and beauty pageant -- all rolled into one. They cheered and hugged one another, talking excitedly. But these women were on a serious mission. Their goal? To sell, sell, sell.

How do many Mary Kay ladies earn six figure salaries in a recession?
At the Mary Kay Cosmetics Career Conference last month, thousands of veteran cosmetic sellers and hopefuls were banking on the so-called "lipstick indicator," the idea that times may be tough, but women still buy skin care products and makeup. Just ask the nearly 2 million (and counting) independent sales consultants for Mary Kay, some of whom have already made fortunes.
Although selling Mary Kay products can be lucrative, most of the sales consultants earn about $100 a week.

Jan Thetford, leader of the biggest-selling Mary Kay team in Texas, is currently earning a six-figure salary and drives an $85,000 car.
"Have you heard anybody say I'm going to cut back on my mascara? Have you heard anybody say I'm going to use my moisturizer every other day?" she asked the crowd.

"No!" they shouted.
Standing at the podium in a coral suit, a sign that she's reached one of the highest sales director levels, she told the enthusiastic crowd that the recession doesn't mean Mary Kay saleswomen have to suffer.

Independent Sales Director

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Franca Ibuzo